Monday, September 28, 2009

Setting up the Blog.

Setting up this blog was fairly simple. I followed the step and surprise, surprise it worked! Then came the thinking, I needed to allow the group to be able to edit and add to the blog. I wasn't sure if a blog could work like a wiki where everyone has control over the content or if I was leading the blogging now. I'm actually still not sure because I made everyone an author. I am hoping that everyone can at least comment because I can easily start a topic. I liked the fact that there were templates to choose from and the setting were also pretty easy to find. I am hoping that using this blog will be as easy as it was to set it up. I can see myself possibly using it in the classroom if it this simple!

Has anyone else set up a blog before? Did you find it simple enough to follow? Do you think parents would be able to follow the idea of using a blog if a teacher used it for class information?