Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How could blogging be used to better communicate ideas through the professional community?

Lately I have been going to all kinds of professional developments. Just yesterday, I went to a training about teaching students to think critically. I have been asking other teachers throughout the school to do these trainings with me, but they all say they are not interested. However, when I come back from the trainings, they are interested in what I learned as well as the activities I am doing that I learned there.
Also, there are so many ideas around the building for behavior management, teaching, grouping, and dealing with parents. Because of the lack of time that we have many of these ideas go no where or aren't shared.
I thinking if our school had a blog site where we discussed the things that we have done in the classroom or things that we found out were non-sense, everyone would benifit. Also, I would be able to write and attach the information that I learn at the professional developements.
However, I believe that if I were to share this idea with others in the school, I would be the only person blogging because so many people are afraid of the technology. This is a bit surprising to me though because we use what we call-BT Private which is a private space for only staff to share information. We list things that are going on at the school, events, or sometimes even chat about funny things. I think this could easily be turned into a blog for the school.
This however does bring me to another question...Where are we supposed to find the time to do these types of blogs. I feel it is easier to just talk to the person and tell them what I need to say then have to type it. Right now, while I am posting this blog, I am also grading papers, planning for a field trip, and tryring to relax and watch some tv! Sure, this would be easier than telling 10 people the same thing over and over again...but it still takes time.
I am still up in the air about using blogging for communicating ideas. The idea itself is awesome...the time is takes, not so much. (I can't imagine doing this if I was a slow typer or a finger typer!!!)

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